
2018-12-25 08:45:55

【公告】107學年度第2學期外國學生舊生註冊2019 Registration for International Students

一、註冊截止日: 2019年2月13日
請於2月13日(含) 前,持繳費單至郵局、超商(7一11、全家、萊爾富、OK)繳納(萊爾富繳納金額上限為新台幣四萬元),應用資訊系統亦提供線上信用卡繳費服務。完成繳費即代表註冊程序完成,毋需填寫本單,請持學生證至註冊組加蓋本學期註冊章。
二、補辦註冊截止日: 2019年2月18日
(一) 超過註冊截止日(2月13日)才繳費之學生,請填寫<補辦註冊單>。未完成者視同未註冊,將依學校規定予以退學。
(二) 獲得義守大學外國學生全額獎助學金之學生,亦即學雜費繳費單金額為0或負數者,因毋須繳費,請亦填寫<補辦註冊單>。未完成者視同未註冊,將依學校規定予以退學。
I. Registration Deadline: February 13, 2019
II. Registration Procedures for late payment (Payment made between February 14 and February 18) :
1. If you are unable to pay tuition before February 14, please fill out the Registration Form. Failure to complete this Registration Form will result in an incompletion of registration and may lead to a withdrawal from the University.
2. International students who receive full scholarship from I-Shou University (amount due: 0 or minus), please also fill out the Registration Form in order to complete the registration procedure.
Failure to complete this Registration Form will result in an incompletion of registration and may lead to a withdrawal from the University.
III. Add & drop course:Online course-add/drop is available from February 18 to 24, 2019.
Failure to complete the registration procedure will disable your access to course-add/drop system.


張貼資訊: 陳靜欣 
聯絡分機: 2098 