
2019-03-21 13:48:20

【公告】108學年度外國學生工作許可證明申請流程 2019 Procedure of Applying Work Permit for Int. Student


步驟1️⃣ 至OICA領取劃撥單及切結書,並至郵局繳費
步驟2️⃣ 上網填寫及上傳所需資料
步驟3️⃣ 等待OICA審核申請(退件者則需重新補件)
步驟4️⃣ 通過並至OICA領取工作證
步驟5️⃣ 掃描QR code填寫職涯問卷(每換一份工作,就須重新填寫一次哦)

To improve the counseling and supporting services provided by the University to overseas students while doing the part-time work-study on or off-campus, and to ensure students understand their own rights and interests regarding employment regulations in Taiwan, you are required to submit this affidavit, as attachment below, when applying for work permit. Once you have located the job, please proceed to OICA website to submit employment information as LINK below. Whenever you switch to another job, you MUST re-submit the survey. If you have more than 1 job, please submit the survey according to the number of jobs separately

Step1️⃣ Get payment slip and affidavit from OICA and make payment
Step2️⃣ Submit application and upload necessary documents via online
Step3️⃣ Waiting for OICA approval (Re-upload documents if your application not approved)
Step4️⃣ Get your work permit once arrived
Step5️⃣ Scan QR code and submit the survey (Re-submit once you change a new job)

Remarks: Starts from 2019, students MUST upload affidavit with your online application. Your application will be rejected if affidavit not be attached.
其他 Others
切結書下載 Affidavit Download: https://bit.ly/2WkisoP
境外學生職涯問卷 Survey: https://bit.ly/2CwMWMH
承辦人 PIC
Sophie / (07) 6577711 #2098/ sophieccs@isu.edu.tw

張貼資訊: 劉振輝 
聯絡分機: 2095 