Purpose of Establishment

The study of “creativity” has raised great awareness in the 21st century. Creative design professionals have also become the new driving forces for industry transformation and sustainable business development.
According to the 2005-2015 human resource medium-long term supply and demand trend report from the Council of Economic Planning and Development, the need for human resources of a degree in industrial design or product design will be around 1050-2300 short in 2015.
In recent years, the Board of E-United Group invested heavily in the E-Da World with eight functions of leisure, vacation, health, education, art, culture, shopping and real estate. To pursue sustainable development, improve business performance and enhance service quality, there is an urgent demand to cultivate talents in the field of creative product design.
Therefore, the Department of Creative Product Design was established in 2011. This is to foster next-gen top designers with a wide prospect. Also, it is aimed to bridge the gap of shortage in product design professionals across industries in Taiwan.

Course Features

The department developed courses for professional training, which feature the following characteristics:

Development Focus

Prospect for Graduates

The graduates will have extensive career opportunities in the product design sector, options exemplified as follows: