
2019-08-27 08:06:44


恭賀義守大學應用英文系 陳儀芳同學榮獲參與108年度外交部國際青年大使交流計劃!



國際青年大使交流計劃透過臺灣年輕世代前往海外參訪,提升青年國際視野,並藉由新世代創意與觀點宣介中華民國,呈現臺灣軟實力,深化與參訪國家的實質友好關係。I-Buddy program國際學伴計劃透過把大一國際新生與高年級本地學生配形式,讓學伴來指導協助國際新生適應大學生活、並帶領國際生體驗台灣在地文化。同時間,學伴也可藉此了解外國文化增進文化素養

如有興趣,也有歡迎成為I-BUDDY 國際學伴的一份子 


Such a delightful news! 
Sunny Chen, a student of ISU Applied English, is proudly chosen as a representative for MOFA International Youth Ambassadors Exchange Program. The International Youth Ambassadors Exchange Program is designed to give students opportunities to broaden knowledge and horizons, and meanwhile to showcase the soft power of Taiwan through students’ creativity. It wasn't an easy way out. She totally deserves what she worked for. Sunny is also a core member of ISU I-Buddy program. She enjoyed participating in many cross-cultural activities organized by the Office of International and Cross-straits Affairs and the ISU International Student Union.


Congratulations again, Sunny.

If you're interested, come and be part of the I-BUDDY family ! 


🖼 : 陳儀芳(右一)擔任義守大學國際文化義術節ISU Cultural Festival: Across Boundaries主持人
🖼 : Sunny Chen(Right) hosted ISU Cultural Festival: Across Boundaries

張貼資訊: 陳有恆 
聯絡分機: 2095 