
2023-05-23 14:29:20

【公告】112-1境外學生在校生註冊程序2023 Registration procedures for current Overseas students


112 學年度第 1 學期境外學生在校生註冊程序:

一、 請於  2023 9 4 日前,於應用資訊系統內刷卡繳費,或自應用資訊系統內自行下載繳費單,持繳費單至郵局、超商(7-11 、全家、萊爾富、OK) 繳納 (注意:萊爾富繳納金額上限為台幣四萬元),以完成註冊程序。 

二、 9 4 日後繳費者,需另填補註冊程序單 

三、 9 17 日前未完成註冊程序,將無法線上加退選課程。

四、 獲義守大學外國學生全額獎學金之外國學生(學費繳費單金額為0或負數),請務必另填補註冊程序單

五、 9 22 日前未完成註冊程序者,依學校規定予以退學。


2023  Registration procedures for current Overseas students:

1、    Please pay tuition before September 4, 2023. You could print payment slip from ISU information system, and pay at the post office or any 4 convienient stores ( 7-11, Family, Hi-Life, OK, the max payment amount in Hi-Life is TWD 40,000); Online credit card payment at ISU Information System is also available.

2、    If you pay tuition after September 4, 2023, you need to fill out an “On-line Late Registration form” (Please find the link from OICA website latest announcement ) and upload the proof of payment.

3、    Failure to complete the registration procedure before September 17, 2023 will disable your access to course add & drop system.

4、    International students who receive full scholarship from I-Shou University MUST fill out “On-line Registration form”, in order to complete the registration procedure.

5、    Failure to complete registration before September 22, 2023 will result in a withdrawal from the University.


張貼資訊: 陳靜欣 
聯絡分機: 2098 