• The program emphasizes the importance of creative thinking and systematic problem solving for the success of managing an entertainment-related business. To this end, specific courses such as Creative Thinking and Innovation and Project Management are offered as AACSB-reviewed core courses.

  • The program emphasizes the importance of experiential learning and mobility and therefore requires each student to complete an overseas experience prior to graduation. This overseas experience can be either as an exchange student in a foreign university or an intern in an international professional organization.

  • The program concentrates on "learning by doing" and therefore offers a six-month practicum in the junior year. Over 90% of the EM students have chosen to practice what they have learned on campus in world-class companies in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and the US, to name a major few. In addition, more than 50% of the EM students have received various CasinoDealer certificates.

  • The program consists of general education courses (27 credits), college-required courses (12 credits), department core courses (47 credits), and department elective courses (42 credits). The following roadmap tree illustrates the featuring structure of our program in terms of basic skills, core competence, and diverse professional development.