校本部 科技大樓三樓圖書館 討論室
校本部 國際學院三樓圖書館 討論室
醫學院 教學大樓A棟二、三樓圖書館 討論室
本校教職員生 (請親持學生證/職員證至現場)
即日起至11月01日 週一至週五: 09:00-16:00 【12:00-13:00 櫃台工作人員不提供拍攝服務】
Step1- 於櫃台提出參與本計畫並成功借閱討論室
Step2- 在討論、 英語書寫過程中可請工作人員至該討論室、書寫牆拍攝
限定條件: 活動期間內,每日限定發放數量為【校本部前5組;醫學院前5組】,額滿即不再發放。
活動滿意度調查: https://forms.office.com/r/3iiz8RCEtE
1. 主辦單位會留存照片作為活動成果報告,於活動結束後放置在指定場地、位置(網路空間)提供瀏覽
2. 於參與活動時留下簽名,即同意授權此次活動照片給圖書館使用
3. 主辦單位保有隨時修改及終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將公布於圖資處網頁公告,恕不另行通知,謝謝
As the transformation of learning progresses, more and more ideas and concepts are elevated through discussion.
The various discussion areas and glass writing walls in the library play a key role in encouraging such conversations.
Use the equipment in the study room (glass writing wall, projection screen) to share the ideas,
concepts and questions you have encountered in your study life, leaving a record of these wonderful discussions!
Locations: (Please borrow the study room at the counter first)
Main Campus: Technology Building, 3F library study rooms
International College 3F library study rooms
Medical Campus: Building A, 2F and 3 floor library study rooms
All ISU Faculty and Students (Please bring your ID card to the venue)
Date & Time:
From now until November 1st, 2024,Monday to Friday: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
[Note: Staff will not provide photography services from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM]
Event Details:
All groups that have borrowed a study room during the event will be able to take part in the photo shooting project.
Step 1: Apply to take part in this project and successfully borrow a key to a study room at the desk.
Step 2: While discussing and writing, you can ask the staff to take photos.
[Friendly reminder: photos should include members of the group].
Only a limited number of prizes will be awarded each day during the event period.
[Main Campus - First 5 groups; Medical Campus - First 5 groups].
No further rewards will be given once the quota is reached.
Activity satisfaction survey: https://forms.office.com/r/3iiz8RCEtE
1.The event organizer will save photos
as part of the event results report, which will be made available for viewing
at a specific location or online after the event.
2.By signing your name at the event, you agree to the use of photographs by the library.
3.The organizer has the right to change or cancel the event at any time.
Any updates to the event information or additional details will be announced on the Library's website.
No separate notification will be sent. Thank you.