
2020-05-22 11:31:40

The second vacancy-filling of dormitory for Student Dorm in 2020 Academic Year

Subject:The regulations for the second vacancy-filling of dormitory and the receipts of payment slips for Student Dorm in 2020 Academic Year.
Legal Bias:Guidelines on Student Dormitory Management at I-Shou University.
I.Dorm drawing at I-Shou University has been executed on May 6th. If the qualifiers don’t obtain their payment slips within the designated duration ( From May 15 th to 12 am May 20 th ), the vacancies shall be filled by the subsequent drawing number.
II.In accordance with the drawing order and the preferred choice filled by students, the compared results of drawing number would be presented as follows:
i.Main Campus:
A.Male drawing number:
1.First Dormitory (A Building): Number194、206
2.First Dormitory (D Building): Number110
3.Second Dormitory: Number 369~386
B.Female drawing number:
1.First Dormitory: Number 404~414
2.Second Dormitory: Number 323~349 whose first choice is Second Dormitory
III Medical Campus Dormitory and E-Da Hospital Dormitory has been both completed.
IV.The qualifiers as the above states shall obtain the payment slips in person by 12 a.m., Wednesday, May 27th and will not be informed individually. Please follow the due day of making a payment. If your payment is overdue, your bed vacancy shall be released.
i.Students who apply for First Dormitory should go to Management Office of First Dormitory.
ii.Students who apply for Second Dormitory should go to Management Office of Second Dormitory near Family Mart.
V.If qualifiers don’t obtain the paper documents, the bed vacancies shall be filled by the subsequent drawing number on Friday, May 29th.
VI.The charging of A Building of First Dormitory is NT13,900 dollars each semester, others standard in 2020 Academic Year is equivalent to the one in 2019 Academic Year.
VII.First Dormitory and Medical Campus Dormitory will be closed during the winter and summer vacation. If conforming to the regulations of short-term accommodation, students are allowed to apply for the short-term accommodation until the further notice.

Contact Person: 李姿慧 
Contact Number: 5452 
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